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Ionopsis utricularioides


Pinky little flower blooms like sakura. Usually flowers 2-3 times a year. Prefer sunny spot.  The stronger sun light, the darker flower colour.  

Daily watering required.  Every new growth will produce flower.  May re-flower from same flower spike. When the plant grows bigger, it branches and gets higer flower count.

Ionopsis utricularioides is a warm growing epiphytic orchid native to the Americas. 

It has nice violet blooms which last well over one month.  

Sunlight: Bright filtered light 

Water: Since it is mounted on wood, water the plant at least 3 times a week thoroughly.

Fertilizer: Slow release nitricote can be used.  Pack 15-20 pcs in an empty tea bag and hang near the plant.  Each time when the plant is watered, fertilizer will be released.

You can also add good bacteria such as the Aquis fertilizer to promote healthier roots and plant.

Plant sold mounted on wood and may not be in bloom at the point of purchase.


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