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Jewel Orchid (Anoectochilus siamensis ‘Rose Gold’0.08m)


Anoectochilus siamensis ‘Rose Gold’ is miniature orchid and it is very attractive foliage with amazing leaves that seem to literally light up a collection. Though it’s not the easiest houseplant to satisfy, with correct care it can thrive and keep people talking.

Sunlight: Bright Filtered area.

Water: 2-3 times a week thoroughly.

Fertilizer: Recommends slow release nutricote fertilizer with organic lactobacillus Aquis. Good bacteria will promote healthy roots and eventually enhance growth.

Plant size: Approx. 5-8cm (vary in sizes)

Rootball/ Pot size: Dia 6cm x Ht 6cm

Pot type: Plant sold in a ceramic pot.

 *Note that it is possible for the leaves to be slightly curled upon purchase.

* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant color, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.

* Kindly take note when you’re purchasing matching pot, the diameter has to be larger than the rootball size.

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