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Dendrobium Miniature Neeraj Swaroop


Place in very bright area with at least 6-8 hours of light.  Water 3 times a week.  Miniature Dendrobium can bloom on average 4-5 times a year.  Compact flowers and small size, you can sit them near window sills or hang these in a bright area.

Sunlight: Place in bright filtered light

Water: Pour water evenly 3 times per week and it is best to water in the morning. Do not spray or mist the petals.

Fertiliser: Recommend slow release nutricote or organic Aquis organic lactobacillus fertilizer

Plant Size: Approx. 70-90cm overall height (vary in sizes)

Pot Size: Dia 10 cm x H10 cm

Pot Type: Plant comes in a brown plastic pot (with drainage holes)

 *Do not be alarmed if you observe any black or brown spots on your plant leaves. It is commonly found on these species but will not affect the overall condition of the plant.

* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant color, type, size and arrangement may differ from the photo.

* Kindly take note when you’re purchasing a matching pot, the diameter has to be larger than the rootball size.

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