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Hibiscus tiliaceus, Sea Hibiscus (0.70m)


The genus Hibiscus, family Malvaceae, comprises 150 species of shrubs, trees and herbaceous plants distributed throughout the tropical and temperate regions of the planet. A very common shrub to tall tree, this plant with delightful heart-shaped leaves and bright yellow flowers that attract red bugs is often seen on many of our wild shores.

Sunlight: Direct sunlight.

Watering: Daily.

Fertiliser: Recommends slow-release nitrocote or organic lactobacillus Aquis fertilizer.

Plant size: Approx 70 cm -95 m (vary in sizes)

Root Ball /Pot size:: Dia 26 cm x H 21 cm

Pot type: Sold with landscape pot with drainage hole.

* Product photo shown is for reference only. Actual plant colour, type, size and arrangement may differ from photo.

* Kindly take note when you’re purchasing matching pot, the diameter has to be larger than the rootball size.

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