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Oncidium Lemong Heart, Dancing Lady Orchid


Oncidium is commonly known as the dancing lady orchid.  It’s petals look like a lady dancing.  The plant belongs to the sympodial orchid family.  Each new shoot will mature and produce flowers.  If the plant is strong, each bulb may have 2 stalks of bloom.  

Lemon heart has pure bright yellow petals, making it irresistibly attractive.

Sunlight: Partial or filtered light.  When light is too strong, leaves become light green and extreme light will cause leaf burnt.

Water: 3 times a week, thoroughly

Fertilizer: Recommends slow release nitricote fertilizer with organic lactobacilius Aquis.  Good bacteria will promote health roots and eventually enhance growth.

Rootball/ Pot size: 4 or 5 inch pot

Plant size: 25cm

Remark: Plant sold in clay pot with drainage hole as shown. 

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