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Tillandsia ionantha ball


Looking to add some Tillandsia Ionantha plants to your collection?

The Ionantha air plant is one of the more striking and sought after species.

One of the most desirable aspects of the Ionantha air plant is that it is a very hearty plant, that will require minimal attention. 

Sunlight: The Ionantha varieties love sunlight, so they should also be kept in an area that gets adequate light throughout the day. 

Water: 2-3 times a week depending on the environment.  Prefer to water in the morning and make sure to shake off any excess water before setting them out to dry!  

Fertilizer: Recommend Gaviota 63 foliar fertilizer and /or lactobacilius Aquis organic fertilizer once a week.

Root Ball/Pot Size: NA. Dia of clump : 15cm

Sold with hanging string attached with a hook.  Large clump with more than 10 individual plants.

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